Spirals in (e)motion(s)

Despair and exhuberance are much closer than we think. They reside on the edge, facing each other at both ends of the spectrum of our emotions. Like antagonistic mirrors, they project opposite vibrations that color our heart with shades that will make it sink or fly. So naturally, for anyone who is a frequent visitor of those seemingly faraway poles, a most desirable knowledge is how to quickly shift back to the sunnier of the two.

As often, the shift in question happens within, and what matters here is our vision of reality. Once flat and linear, with everything feeling like a straight path from A to B, our perception of our time-continuum must now bend into a circular shape, akin to a spiral.

Now that we we’ve gone from lines to circles, it’s easy to see how close these opposites truly reside. So next time you find yourself orbiting close to both of your emotional equinoxes, feeling pulled in by the one that mirrors sadness into your heart, you might consider “jumping ships” right there, without having to go full circle again! After all, you’ve been here before, you will be here again, riding the spiral of life, each time with more wisdom under your cosmic belt. How exciting is that?

When it comes to polar opposites, spiral vision tells us that when you visit one, it’s easier than you think to visit the other…

Knowing that sadness and joy were easy to reverse (barring emotional earthquakes of course…) was a discovery that had me beam with wonder, a precious secret of life, a treasure tool to be used and shared without moderation. Emotions had morphed from an unpredictable emotional weather hazard into an actual choice…

Shifting emotions is basically a decision that we make. Imagine the deep, pure sound of a Tibetan bowl… it is instant and sharp, but its effects are long-lasting and powerful.

Once we’ve made our decision, it’s time to move through the steps that will take us to the other side, knowing that the bowl’s soundwaves have already traveled far ahead of us. The Tibetan bowl is our intention. Once we’ve ringed it in motion, it is our most powerful and benevolent guide.

7 thoughts on “Spirals in (e)motion(s)

  1. That’s an interesting way of thinking about it, the entire range of human emotions forming a circle rather than a flat line so that the most extreme points end up being very close to each other. It may be true. After all, there are other things that have a similar arrangement, such as the way political regimes of the far right and the far left end up being virtually indistinguishable in practice.

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  2. So true, yes… Extremes are so, so close. And if you think about it, there is a drop of joy in the most extreme pain, and something painful about extreme joy, for whatever reason… I guess yin yang wisdom nailed it ages ago, but it’s always interesting to spiral around that truth.

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