
Love will makes one so whole it’s safe to open up as widely as you dare and fly high. Pain is an explosion that will rip you in a thousand pieces and makes you crash, so you’ll want to curl up and close, gathering what you can and hold it back together. The first gives you a set of wings, the second comes with a parachute. Each will make you fly in ways you wouldn’t suspect, if you understand and accept that they are simply a process, two parts of the same wave that are no more distinct than you and your Self. It seems cliché to say embrace the pain, but the quicker one does just that, the quicker one will ride that wave and move back onto its joyful counterpart. At some miraculous point the parachute morphs into a new set of wings, but it doesn’t stop there. Eventually we learn to surf in ways that transform every wave into joy.

6 thoughts on “Wings

  1. I haven’t read this post as of yet. It is recommended to read this blog in a chronological path. The first post is entitled:”Synchronocities”. Beautiful!

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